INTROVERT- Are you an introvert..!!
We all are human beings and have different attitude towards every single situation. Today we are going to know about INTROVERT people. Introverts are the kind of people who Gains energy from being alone and loses energy from being social. Lets know that if you, or someone you know is an introvert or not by these 10 signs. 1) Get tired from too much active time. After spending time with people for too long you start to shut down by feeling tired and exhausted. And this is probably your way of maintaining your energy because its getting low. 2) You enjoy time alone. You like spending quality time alone to recharge your battery to gain energy and you really enjoy it. 3) You have constant inner monologue. Instead of just saying whats in your mind out aloud. You think a lot before you speak every second even when you are not having a conversation with another person or when not busy with any task you have a voice inside your head that is alw...