
Showing posts from February, 2021

What is moringa| How to consume it for weight loss and treat hormonal issues??

Moringa which is also known as Drumsticks . It is a plant which have millions of benefits in it. It is also called the miracle plant as every part of this plant whether it is roots, leaves, flowers, fruits, bark or branches. Every part of this plant can be used in different ways to solve our different problems.  So, before talking about how to consume it for weight loss and for hormonal issues, lets talk about about some properties of it. PROPERTIES OF MORINGA/ DRUMSTICKS. 1. It have 46 power full antioxidants. 2. It tastes pungent or slightly bitter. 3. It is warm in nature. 4. It is slightly dry.  5. Balances and control Kapha and Vata.  May increase Pitta in the body Mainly as it is warm in nature, one should consume it in winters. Can consume in summer too but in a small amount.  Now lets see the  nutritious facts about the moringa. NUTRITIOUS FACTS OF MORINGA You can consume it in 2 ways, one in powdered form which is available in market or purely in the form of leaves if availab

6 Super food for healthy hair| cure hair fall and hair thinning naturally| severe hair fall diet.

Today we are going to talk about some superfood for making your hair thicker and stronger naturally.   Hair is the crowning glory for all of us, but it becomes a huge cause of worry when we have hair thinning and hair fall. We usually used to see this situation in mid 30s and early 40s. But now a days it started appearing in teenage as well.  It is the huge cause of worry for our generation.  These condition may be because of the following reasons.  Excessive competition and stress Intake of increased junk food Excessive dieting Hormonal disorder (PCOD, PCOS, Thyroid)  Unhealthy or busy lifestyle Genetic Deficiency of any vitamin in body Unhealthy environment Eating disorder   Lack of sleep or any other medical condition.   Now these were some of the reasons that  are very common in anyone who is suffering from hair fall.  Now one more thing is that shedding of 50 to 100 hair is very normal. Don't worry if this is happening.  But remember 50 to 100 hair in one day!! If you are able

What should you do to cure PCOD/PCOS?? | 5 things to do to cure PCOD| Permanent solution for pcod.

  PCOD / PCOS (polycystic ovarian disease) is a hormonal disorder which may occur in any one, because of your unhealthy lifestyle or environment.   Here I am telling you all about what I use to do or still doing.  The point here we have is to improve our lifestyle and may be changing some of them to improve our situations.  I diagnosed PCOD when I was 16 and now I am 20 and have already solved my problems, not with medicines, not with the help of doctors. I made it by my own.   Just by improving my lifestyle.   So lets talk about what you can do for improving your situations too. 1. Drink water Usually I use to start my mornings with lukewarm water.  So, mainly you need to start your mornings with lukewarm water and drink before cleaning your mouth, before brushing your teeth. It will help you to cleanse your body from inside. Your saliva is very helpful for you.  And understand that you need to drink lukewarm water first thing in the morning.( If you need to know the reason behind thi