6 Super food for healthy hair| cure hair fall and hair thinning naturally| severe hair fall diet.

Today we are going to talk about some superfood for making your hair thicker and stronger naturally.

Hair is the crowning glory for all of us, but it becomes a huge cause of worry when we have hair thinning and hair fall.

We usually used to see this situation in mid 30s and early 40s.
But now a days it started appearing in teenage as well. 

It is the huge cause of worry for our generation. 

These condition may be because of the following reasons. 
  1. Excessive competition and stress
  2. Intake of increased junk food
  3. Excessive dieting
  4. Hormonal disorder (PCOD, PCOS, Thyroid) 
  5. Unhealthy or busy lifestyle
  6. Genetic
  7. Deficiency of any vitamin in body
  8. Unhealthy environment
  9. Eating disorder
  10.  Lack of sleep or any other medical condition. 
Now these were some of the reasons that  are very common in anyone who is suffering from hair fall. 

Now one more thing is that shedding of 50 to 100 hair is very normal. Don't worry if this is happening.

 But remember 50 to 100 hair in one day!!

If you are able to see more than 100 hair in a day then that is the case to worry for.

(I was 16 when I started observing my severe hair fall and the reason in my case was PCOD. And I was anemic at that time. My hemoglobin was 6.smthg. So get yourself checked and see if you are anemic or something first. )

Now lets talk about 6 superfood to be included in your diet if you are observing a severe hair fall and hair thinning.

1. Spinach 

Spinach is rich in Iron. All the vegetables which are dark green in color have Iron in it. 
They are the best source of vitamin A and vitamin C.
IRON helps in the formation of hemoglobin and it should be present in adequate quantity in your body. Which can help to grow hair because then the amount of oxygen will be supplied to your scalp and increase the hair growth. 

Other IRON rich food are: 
  1. Beans
  2. Soya beans
  3. Cabbage
 2. Food rich in Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D

Deficiency of vitamin B12 is very common in the person who suffers from hair fall and specially in vegetarians. This may be because of vitamin b12 rich food are included in non-veg. 

Rich source of B12 are mainly non veg, so you can have vitamin b12 supplements available in market in order to balance the deficiency.

Vitamin D rich food are
  1. fish 
  2. red meat 
  3.  sunlight.

Sunlight is Because our body creates Vitamin D when we have it direct on our skin.

So the vegetarian people can take the sunlight at 7 to 9.

3. Food rich in Vitamin E and Vitamin C

Now vitamin E helps in nourishing your hair hence it will prevent you from dry and rough hair and will not break. 

Vitamin A rich food are:
  1. Straw berries
  2. Lemmon
  3. Guava 
  4. carrot
Vitamin E rich food are:
  1. Almonds
  2. Spinach
  3. Avocado
Vitamin E is the powerful antioxidants which helps in prevention against harmful UV rays.

4. Sunflower seeds

Do include the sunflower seed in your diet. It includes Vitamin B5 in it. And will promote blood flow towards your head and make your hair grow faster. 

5. Flax seeds and chia seeds

These seeds should be included in your diet as if you can't find sunflower seeds. It will work best and are also known as super food. 
You can have it in your breakfast or at any other time in a day. But just make a routine to consume it. They will also provide you the nourishment to your skin and hair and make them glow.

(Do not roast them, just have it in the raw form.)

6. Water 

I know you people will wonder but yes. It is very common in teenagers that we don't drink adequate amount of water. Water helps us in detoxifying our body and helps to release the waste in the form of urine. It will not only helps you in hair issues but also provides energy to your body.

Drink at least 2 liter of water daily. Make a chart and measure the water intake and try to increase it. 

This was the list of some superfood which you have to include in your diet so to reduce the hair fall.

But remember that this is not a magic. Food will help you slowly but for a long time. 

If you will try any medicine or oils. Yes they will work as a magic but, after you stop consuming them the situation will be same as before. 

So, try consuming these super food and enjoy the magic..  
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