Meditation - The Life Changing Habit.

We all had heard about meditation once in our life. 

Meditation is a very important mental skill.Meditation is that mental skill which gives you a deep mind rest. Which we all should learn. WE get many benefits from meditation like a calm mind, good concentration, clarity of perceptions, improvement in communication, relaxation, and many more. But these are some visible benefits. The hidden benefits are more compulsory to be known.

Many of us skips meditation just because we can't find those commonly known benefits. We lost our interest because we don't even know that what are the symptoms to know that if meditation actually working. 

So, lets get started and find the most profound or deep benefits of meditation. 

But before that we all should know the actual meaning of MEDITATION. 

 Meditation is a precise technique or skill for resting the mind and attaining a state of consciousness that is totally different from the normal waking state. It is the means for fathoming(understand) all the levels of ourselves and finally experiencing the center of consciousness within. Meditation is not a part of any religion; it is a science, which means that the process of meditation follows a particular order, has definite principles, and produces results that can be verified.

Now lets come towards the changes you will feel in yourself or in your nature after or during meditation.

- You will be able to face each and every situation very calmly.
- Help to increase your focus.
- You will get a better sleep. 
- Help to manage your anger issues.
- Help to manage your anxiety attacks.
- You will feel connected to your surrounding.

Now let us see the benefits of meditation in some scientific ways.

We all know that meditation help us in focusing. But how.....??
Let us understand it in some scientific ways....!!

Do you know the work of brain's left hemisphere....??

The left hemisphere is responsible for learning ability. 

-The Posterior Cingulate Cortex (PCC) is one part of our human brain which mainly helps us to control our cogitation or thoughts. It improves our focus and confidence. It will help to build your personality.

- Temporo- parietal junction (TPJ) is responsible for competition, or feeling of love.
I had already stated about we are becoming selfish. This (TPJ) part of our brain help us to feel love or pain. And make us more social, and obviously, then people's most dearest person.

- Amygdala is a part of our brain which is responsible for the feeling like fear, anxiety or stress.
If you will meditate than our brain will automatically reduce the cell volume of Amygdala. Which will reduce all the bad habits or feelings.

I know that these feelings like anxiety or stress are also equally beneficial for us like happiness. Because they make us active. Help us to become less lethargic and more active.

But in proper amount only. Now a days people are living in a very stressful life which results in so many diseases.

It is scientifically proven that meditation will not only improves your brain mentally but also physically.  As it increases the size of your brain. Yes, meditation increases the size of your brain.

In 2011, Howard University, it is found that in just 8 weeks of meditation can change the size of your brain.
Meditation shrinks the bad parts of the brain and enhances the good parts. They are mainly related to confidence, physical health and all those positive things.

Now, to make your meditation practice successfully you will need 3 things to be done.

1) Environment.

    For meditation we should not get distracted from our surroundings. And we will get this                      environment in the morning or at night only.
    You can listen to any music. They should be kind of binaural beats. But it should not be the                  bollywood or hollywood songs, because they can distract your mind.

2) Technique.

    The very common and effected technique is to focus on your breadth.
     You will obviously find a monkey in your mind. It will continue to distract you. But dont get              distracted and irritated. Just regain your focus on your breadth again and again after any thought.

    The only key is not to get irritated. It will obviously take a long time to become a habit. But                believe me, one day it will become your habit.

3) Consistency.

    The last and the most important is consistency. I know that growing a new habit is difficult. But           this process of meditation need to become your habit to get the results.
     So, practice it daily. Start doing it for 10 or 20 minutes a day. Which is really not a big task.

   Procedure of Meditation
  There is one and only one procedure which you have to see is your posture.
   Sit at any place or anything but just sit straight.

 And for better posture you will need a better place. which can be your bed, chair, or the best place is   your floor.

Now let us know that why people do not continue meditation.

The reason is that people focuses on the proper results. Which they will get after a long time. Yes the procedure is long but the benefits are double.

You will find a new you.
So all the very best and start to find a new you.


  1. Good effort to make people understand about meditation. It will be very fuitful to people engaged in this fast pace life where they don't get time for peace of mind.

  2. good ,very good 👌👌


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