About me

Hi, I'am Aaksha!

I am a student and love to be motivated and also to make people motivated. Motivation is something which gives our mind the refreshments and make us stand up again after some failure in life.

I have many dreams but because i'm a student, i can't give my precious time to all my dreams. so mainly i just love writing and that's what i'm trying on blogging.

I know the importance of motivation in life. As i said earlier that i'm a student. That mean i am facing many ups and downs in my life. I also get motivation from other bloggers and youtubers. And that's what i like about motivation is that it make me charge again after a failure. It make me thought that people or may be students like me need people like those motivators. 

So this is the main reason why i started blogging.

Nowadays people are very busy and stuck with their own made daily routine. This is the main reason that, why people are getting lethargic. 
People are busy and they do not get enough time to spend with people who can suggest them or who can motivate them. But at least everyone have a gadget like smart phones with them. And i want to be the way to make people motivated. 

 I wish that this site will be helpful to all my readers.


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