What should you do to cure PCOD/PCOS?? | 5 things to do to cure PCOD| Permanent solution for pcod.

 PCOD / PCOS (polycystic ovarian disease) is a hormonal disorder which may occur in any one, because of your unhealthy lifestyle or environment. 

Here I am telling you all about what I use to do or still doing. 

The point here we have is to improve our lifestyle and may be changing some of them to improve our situations. 

I diagnosed PCOD when I was 16 and now I am 20 and have already solved my problems, not with medicines, not with the help of doctors. I made it by my own.

 Just by improving my lifestyle. 

So lets talk about what you can do for improving your situations too.

1. Drink water

Usually I use to start my mornings with lukewarm water. 

So, mainly you need to start your mornings with lukewarm water and drink before cleaning your mouth, before brushing your teeth. It will help you to cleanse your body from inside. Your saliva is very helpful for you. 

And understand that you need to drink lukewarm water first thing in the morning.( If you need to know the reason behind this you can follow me here to get updated.)

And get into the habit of drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily.

2. Do some activity.

Try to involve in some physical activity at least for 10 minutes every day. 

It can be:

1 Yoga

2 Walk 

3 Running

4 skipping 

5 Dance

It can be anything. But do something. And you know, 10 minutes is not a big deal. Only 10 minutes in 24 hours. 

And it will make you get relief for lifetime from this Disorder.

Its not really about time duration of your activity, but it is for you routine, your consistency. 

Don't try to increase your time or don't give your body a heavy workout at the starting, because believe me, it will take time. You have to grow slow. 

Just think about your consistency for these steps. 

Just 10 minutes, but daily!!!

3. Miraculous drink.

I know that it should be included in the water section. But it was the very important thing, which I assumed from my experience.

Take 2 glass of water and add cumin seeds, carom seeds, aniseeds in it with equal quantity. Boil it till it become equal to 1 glass. This will help to stabilize your hormones.

And then drink it after the lukewarm water, or after freshen up. And empty stomach will best best time to have it. 

4. Dinner

We have heard that we should have our dinner till 8 every evening everyone. 

But we don't usually follow it. But seriously it can change your life. You just have to change your habit and it will bring a bright, fruitful and visible change in your life.

Have your dinner at 8 and then you can have a glass of milk at the time when you start feeling hungry again. 

Whatever the situation is, you have to make a routine of having your dinner at 8. It may be difficult for some of you but believe me, it will give you the results. 

Second thing is that you need to have light dinner. Oil free food will be the best.

 I am not saying to avoid the oils and ghee, but just not at the dinner time.

5. Walk

Yes, again I am going to ask you for a walk. And this time not as a physical activity, but for your healthy digestion, you know that your digestion system will effect everything, good or bad in your body.

 30 minutes will be enough for you. But if you don't have the habit or can't make time for this then just start moving in your house, make a reason to walk in your house, or on the roof for 10 to 20 minutes daily.

 But make sure it should be your unbreakable routine. 

I have started from 20 minutes and now I am use to walk for 1 hour that means 60 minutes everyday. 

Believe me, this will take time for the one who don't have time or habit. 

Some people may get tired, but that's okay to be tired in the night because after all you are going to have rest. You will sleep. 

This will also help you to make your sleeping disorder completely away from you. 

These were some things which I am still following with no excuses and no delays. 

And yes I am not a doctor but I am seriously very much aware of these thing because I have suffered a lot. 

Things like what I have mentioned here are not the miracles, yes they will take time. But are the permanent solution for this Disorder. 

I promise you that in 2  months you will be free as you were before pcod. But you have to perform all 5 things daily without fail.

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