
Showing posts from 2020

2 tips to make you self-controlled /What is self-control??

" Self-control " isn't it sounds interesting!!  Self control, so what is it? Let us know more about it. Self control means that a person don't care about what all are doing around. Person who do only things which they find interesting or do things which are good for them. This is a kind of ability from which you'll forget about postponing your important work, can overcome your bad habits and achieve your goals.  But the thing which comes between you and your goals is your desire.  This feeling makes us tempted about doing something more interesting in the present moment, and usually we do forget about the important things for that particular time, and the only feeling comes in us is "guilty" after when the time is gone.  Mainly, self control is the ability of controlling  our  emotions, cravings, etc.  So, for not being guilty, for not being stupid in our own eyes we should practice self control daily. Now, the question is that from where should we sta...

What is CRITICAL THINKING? / How to use this technique of thinking?

  Everyday we include a sea of decisions even before getting up from bed. Some of them may be small and less important but others have a great impact on our lives. For example: which leader should I vote for? or should I try the latest diet chart?  We are bombarded with so many decisions that it becomes difficult to make a perfect choice every time. But there are so many ways to improve our chances, and one particularly effective technique is CRITICAL THINKING.   Basically, critical thinking is the analysis of facts to form a judgment. It's the ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas.   So, if the critical part sound negative that's because in a way it is!! Rather than choosing an answer because it's feels right, a person who uses critical thinking subjects all available option. They will eliminate everything but the most useful and reliable information.  There are many different ways of approaching critical th...

How to think positive even in difficult situations?

The power of POSITIVE THINKING is a popular and a great concept. A positive mindset can give you more confident, improves your mood, and even reduces hypertension, depression and other stress related disorder.  Positive thinking will let you use your ability which you were ignoring, and that is the great thing about it. It can lead to a lot of positive change in life. But, sometimes, certain situation arises which makes us to think negative. Here are  Five ways to make bright outlook and reap the benefits of our brain. 1) Focus on good things, however small.   Negative thoughts arises in everyone's brain , which is not really harmful. Sometimes its good too. They help us not to be lethargic. It contains pressure which makes us to do our task. And these kind of negative thoughts like "if I will not study, I will not get good marks." are not that bad. But here we are talking about the habit of negative thoughts. So try to think about positive things in your life even if the...


  There are many things in our lives to worry for. But this habit of worrying is not at all good for our health. Things will continue either good or bad. The point here is that how we are dealing with these situations.  So before getting the techniques. Let us know that what worrying actually is?? Worrying is an imagination in a negative way. It is what we have created in our mind. Worry is a conditioned response. You have learnt the process and you therefore can unlearn the process. You can eliminate the behavior.  So, here are some worry busting techniques for the people who get into the process of worrying about situation very easily or maybe often. 1)Find solutions  There's always a solution to the problem, not taking control over situation and not doing anything will only make your problem worse. DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEM. Deal does mean to think about the problem. It does happen with all of us that if we are surrounded with any problem we start thinking about the...


  MOTIVATION In today's busy lifestyle we all have become the people obsessed  for "life hacks" and "work hacks". This is because each and every of us has those days in life when we don't feel to work. In those days we want to crawl out of bed and tackle the day. Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury to stay in the bed all day. When this happens, it's time to use these 4 mindset techniques to overcome that emotional hurdle. 1. Review your goals first thing in the morning and pick only one. Some times our brain distracts us from accomplishing goals or tasks by thinking about uncertain things and makes us lethargic. So, to stay on the track review your goals(even the little ones) when you first wake up in the morning and start doing that one task and plan in place of achieving that one task.  Actually, when we think about more than one or two task at a time, our mind will get sluggish and drained. So, think about one task which is most important to...