2 tips to make you self-controlled /What is self-control??

" Self-control " isn't it sounds interesting!! Self control, so what is it? Let us know more about it. Self control means that a person don't care about what all are doing around. Person who do only things which they find interesting or do things which are good for them. This is a kind of ability from which you'll forget about postponing your important work, can overcome your bad habits and achieve your goals. But the thing which comes between you and your goals is your desire. This feeling makes us tempted about doing something more interesting in the present moment, and usually we do forget about the important things for that particular time, and the only feeling comes in us is "guilty" after when the time is gone. Mainly, self control is the ability of controlling our emotions, cravings, etc. So, for not being guilty, for not being stupid in our own eyes we should practice self control daily. Now, the question is that from where should we sta...