There are many things in our lives to worry for. But this habit of worrying is not at all good for our health. Things will continue either good or bad. The point here is that how we are dealing with these situations. 

So before getting the techniques. Let us know that what worrying actually is??

Worrying is an imagination in a negative way. It is what we have created in our mind. Worry is a conditioned response. You have learnt the process and you therefore can unlearn the process. You can eliminate the behavior. 

So, here are some worry busting techniques for the people who get into the process of worrying about situation very easily or maybe often.

1)Find solutions

 There's always a solution to the problem, not taking control over situation and not doing anything will only make your problem worse. DEAL WITH YOUR PROBLEM. Deal does mean to think about the problem. It does happen with all of us that if we are surrounded with any problem we start thinking about the problem. That what can happen, what had happened and so on. Stop and start thinking about the solution. And if the problem is uncontrollable then just don't think. Why are you even thinking? Ask yourself.

2) Challenge yourself

Sometimes we get into the problem because we haven't decided anything. As I sad earlier that worrying is a habit. So just find out that when your brain making negative thoughts For example: if you start worrying when you are sitting free, just challenge yourself not to sit freely and start walking until you get tired. Because worrying is not a solution to any problem. 

3) Avoid unhealthy habits.


Don't relay on alcohol, smoking and caffeine on your way of coping. They might provide temporary relief, but won't make you happy. You have to tackle the problem not the moment of worrying in such a unhealthy way. 

4) Try to be positive.

Look for the positive things in your life, and things you should be grateful for. Actually the game is our mind that what we are thinking. Stress, anxiety are all prepared by us. Remember, the brain is your, you are the one who is controlling it. So, control your mind. For example don't say glass half empty instead say glass is half full. 

Try to remember 3 things you are grateful for.

5) Try to accept things.

Changing difficult situation is not always possible. Try concentrating on what you can control. Here you can't control the bad situation but can control your mind. And in this situation where you can't control anything try some self care habits or try something interesting, which can make you feel calm.  


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