Unfortunately, we don't have the luxury to stay in the bed all day. When this happens, it's time to use these 4 mindset techniques to overcome that emotional hurdle.
1. Review your goals first thing in the morning and pick only one.
Some times our brain distracts us from accomplishing goals or tasks by thinking about uncertain things and makes us lethargic. So, to stay on the track review your goals(even the little ones) when you first wake up in the morning and start doing that one task and plan in place of achieving that one task.
Actually, when we think about more than one or two task at a time, our mind will get sluggish and drained. So, think about one task which is most important to you. When that one task will get done you will automatically achieve motivation for completing the next one.
2. Create your own routine and rituals.
Now a days, we all have social media. People show their routines, habits, etc. And we try to copy them in our life. But we fail!!
This is because rituals can differ from person to person. Just see and decide that what works for you the best. Not what works for others. Do some experiments and make your own rituals.(Do what you love)
3. Don't visualize success.
One of the most common tip for getting motivated is to simply visualize success, yet research suggest that this might actually be counterproductive. Here, the problem is that we visualize ourselves achieving the goals. We forget to visualize the efforts that goes into making ourselves successful. And truly, these imaginations have no reality. Just think about the efforts and not directly on the success. This help you to overcome the difficulties you might face. (STOP OVERTHINKING this can help you to stop over visualizing.).
4. Don't be harsh yo yourself.
Try to hack your brain (STOP PROCRASTINATION if you do procrastination just give it a chance) the way your brain perceive your new habit.We get advised from everyone. Just listen their ideas don't make those ideas your obligation. Make your own plans and ideas. Take action for it. Make your plans which works for you the best. Because you are the only person who knows your habit and nature better.
Try using these tips.
You wrote the truth it's really helpful for day today life thankyou so much to share your thoughts and experience.