Focus - How to make your inner self focused.

 Whether it's school, college or career, Focus is the deciding factor in the race of your success.

 Remember that all of us have the same 7 days in the week, same 24 hours in the day. People who become successful are the ones who worked hardest, the one who can give maximum focus in the minimum time in the day for their work. 

If you want good marks, if you want good money in life. It's not about "good" it's about how focused you can be. 

If you want to be focused in life, first understand what breaks your focus. Focus is about staying in one thought. Switching off from all your distractions in your life and staying glued to one spot, in one task.

But while you try to focused, the enemies will creep up on you.

 The break-ups, the bad marks, the insecurities, the performance pressure, the anxiety of the future. We all have some worries in our lives. Pains and worries are your biggest enemies in the process of being focused. 

They keep you "ungrounded". The more grounded you are, the more your ability to stay in one place, the more focus you have in life. So, to be more focused, first work on your grounding. 

But how will you improve your grounding??

1) Follow any kind of fitness activity. 

Your body is built to move, to take actions, if you don't work enough, you will be left with an excess amount of energy. And an excess amount of energy will make you ungrounded. Use that energy, keep working and it will provide you a balanced energy and it will keep your mind sharp. Try Yoga, the simplest activity which can calm you.

2) Choose correct food.

Your body is a collection of everything you eat. We have evolved from caveman who have spent centuries eating clean, fresh food. And only in the last 100-200 years, our eating habit have changed. Now we don't just eat. We fill our bodies with packaged poison. The more addictive and processed sugar in your life. So choose wisely. Eat fresh, and then witness the change in the stats of your mind.

Take a decision of eating at-least any one fruit in a day.

3) Work with mind muscles.

Those bicep curls might make your bicep stronger, but do you know your mind is also like your bicep. It can be trained to be focused. It can also be trained to be grounded. It can be trained to become stronger. The easiest way to ground your mind, is a breath-based meditation. Here, you don't need a particular time, a particular instrument. Just sit straight and try to focus on your breath. Nothing else. If your thoughts here and there, it's normal, just bring your attention back to your breathing again and again. That is all. That is where your focus muscle is being worked. You are teaching your mind to come back. To one thought and only one thought.

Your career require your focus on the work task, your meditation requires you to focus on your breath. If you are serious about improving focus, and maximising your potential, this is your answer. Put 20 minutes to train your mind muscle and once you open your eyes, use that stronger muscle to get some work done.


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