What is PCOD| My story of PCOD

 PCOD is a hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edge. 

You may have questions that why do we got this disorder?? 

So, understand that the cause of polycystic ovary syndrome isn't understood well. 

The reasons can be:

1. Bad environment 

2. Unhealthy lifestyle. 

3. Stress 

It depend on your body that how it reacts to the situations.

You will notice some changes in your body if you are suffering from PCOD. It can be:

1. Hair fall

2. Excess hair on your face and body

3. Obesity

4. Irregular period (the main symptom.) 

5. Pain during periods

You should get tested before finding the solution for the disorder. Get a confirmation from your doctor, get tested!!

Doctors may suggest you some birth control pills to regularize your periods. 

You will get the solution of this disorder all over the internet. 

I am here to share my experience and how I cured myself.

I got me tested for this disorder when I was in 10th standard and I was 16. 

The case with me was that I was having my periods for 3 months regularly(heavy bleeding). Yes, not normally, I was having periods for 90 days on a regular basis. Somedays I had lighter flow while somedays it got  heavier.  

I was unable to understand the reason. Then I got tested and found that it was PCOD. 

Doctors gave me the medicines and the situation get in control.  After that I got relief for 2 months, I was having no period for two months after those pills (and expected that I will be fine). But, those pills can't really helped me a lot!!

After 2 months I got my periods again and they were obviously not normal. I use to suffer for almost 10 to 12 days in a month. 

All these situation led my HB to decrease badly. It was 6.smthg when I got tested for my hemoglobin(HB) 

That time of my life was the worst.

Now, I am 20 and I myself cured it without any medicines, without any doctor!! 

Yes, it is possible. This disorder can't be cured properly but can be controlled. And the main thing is to get the control over this disorder. 

For knowing more about controlling PCOD follow me here.

I will be posting everything related to these topics like how I cured myself, and I want to clear that I am not a doctor but can tell you something about my experience which may help you or your loved ones..

Get connected for more posts. 

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